STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER 300 PASTEUR DRIVE, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94304 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS Professor Joshua Lederberg : JUN 2 1969 Dear Wins< Thank you very much, for a most useful pile. I find it a little hard to find a clear course among the political competition of the several proposals for legislative management of the en- ' vironmental problems » and, frankly am as much worried about the subtleties I just know nothing about in trying to make sense out of the various bills (I think of Jackson, Nelson right off hand), And now there is Nixon's new Council; which may just be an ineffectual stall. Another reason I've been hesitabh to speak broadside on the political organi- zation angle is that (1) my information tends to be m week late, and (2) my column has to be mailed a week before publication, so I feel very uneasy about being way out of date. Is there no way the various proposals can be given some common hearimg for decision? * I am sensitive to the pioneering work that Senator Muskie has done on making pollution a matter of national action, and will do all I can 4 to help see that he gets the credit he deeply deserves for this.,already acclaimed service. * Is there any kind of staff memo (off the record if necessary ) Summarizing the arguments pro and con the various approaches. I read some Libr. Congr. report last year-- it left me more confused than ever, Lr. Josepa P. Kennepy, Jr. LABORATORIES For MoLecurar MEvIcine dedicated to the study of mental retardation Molecular Biology Heredity Neurobiology Developmental Medicine E319 4as “aS TSM WY Cyan yal 4