——ey JOHN L. MCCLELLAN, ARK., CHAIRMAN mecommrreed Ui 2 1963 HENRY M,. JACKSON, WASH, KARL E. MUNOT, S. DAK, EOMUND 8, MUSKIE, MAINE, CHAIRMAN GAM J. ERVIN, JR, N.C. JACOB K, JAVITS, N.Y. EDMUND $&, MUSKIE, MAINE CHARLES H. PERCY, ILL. ABRAHAM RIBICOFF, CONN, ROBERT P. GRIFFIN, MICH. FRED FR. HARRIS, OKLA, TED STEVENS, ALASKA LEE METCALF, MONT. EDWARD J. GURNEY, FLA. EUGENE J. MC CARTHY, MINN, JAMES B. ALLEN, ALA. JAMES R. CALLOWAY SAM J. ERVIN, JR, N.C. KARL E£. MUNOT, S. DAK, ABRAHAM RIBICOFF, CONN. CHARLES H. PERCY, ILL. Lee METCALF, MONT. TED STEVENS, ALASKA JAMES B. ALLEN, ALA. EDWARD J. GURNEY, FLA. EDWIN W. WESRER, STAFF DIRECTOR CHIEF COUNSEL AND STAFF DIRECTOR from: E. Winslow Turner General Counsel Wnifed DHlates Henate COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE ON INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS (PURSUANT TO 5S. RES. 27, 11ST CONGRESS) WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 May 29, 1969 Professor Joshua Lederberg _. Stanford University Medical Center Department of Genetics Stanford, California 94305 Dear Josh: In answer to your letter of May 20, I am sending you under separate cover the following materials: 1. 2. 3. Air Pollution Hearings (1967) Parts I - IV. Air Pollution Hearings (1968) Parts II and III. Waste Management Research and Environmental Quality Management (1968). Automobile Steam Engine and Other External Combustion Engines Hearings (1968). Electric Vehicles and Other Alternatives to to the Internal Combustion Engine (1967). Eleven reports relating to automobile and other aspects of air pollution. A copy of P.L. 90-148, the Air Control Act of 1967. Our latest copy on S. Res. 78, to establish a Select Senate Committee on Technology and the Human Environment. The final report of the President's Task Force on Communications Policy Established Pursuant to the President's Message on Communications Policy, August 14, 1967, which you refer to in your previous correspondence.