BUDGET -- for each of three years, beginning July 1, 1971 Projected Expenditures: Direct Costs only (These figures are intended to indicate a scale and style of effort. The “details of any long range research budget must be subject to periodic review to allow for unpredictable opportunities and disappointments-- in the content of the research, and in the availability of the most crucial ingredient, the professional and technical people to do the work. ) % requested herex $ requested here Allan Duffield, Ph.D. 30 3000 Medical Research Scientist Assistant Project Leader (Organic Chemistry) Wilfred Pereira,Ph.D. “100 315000 Research Associate Chemistry Walter Reynolds 50 9000 Electronic Engineer (for mass-spec. systems) Julie Hwang : Scientific Computer programmer 100 13000 Virginia Bacon Research Assistant (Biochemistry) 50 | . 5000 Laboratory Supplies and Expense 5000 50000. x 3 years: $150,000. * All of these had been our payroll under 100% NASA support. Related projects under Prof. Lederberg'!s direction are supported by grants from NIH to the extent of about $45,000 per year direct costs, and a like amount can probably be continued for this area from an umbrella grant from NASA expected to be about $240,000. However, the larger part of the latter must now be concentrated on space-related instrumentation. Nevertheless this gives us a facility for developing and maintaining advanced methods of assay whose reproduction cost would be many times the specific investments here requested. Organic Chemistry NASA Dendral Ny Bacon 10,329 Duffield 3,000 10,000 7,000 Technician 2,400 Hwang 12,008 Pereira 13,188 Reynolds 9,935 8,000 Sanchez (Dish) 2,671 Solomon 10,550 Steed 9,875 5,317 Stefik 6,000 Wegmann 11,904 Wyche 7,708 Machinist (Est.) 6,000 500 Plus Secretarial/Administrative Support Allan 1,¢33 600 827 Stuedeman 6,554 600 400 104,755 28,100 13,544 Staff Benefits 15.2% 15,925 4,271 —. 1,735* Other 46% Items 18,358 0 “2 2,372 Indirect Cost @ 46% 56,632 12,926 —, 468 Nn 46% items 17,560 0 maa 8,312 $213,228 $45,297 $26,381 Remainder Machinist , 10,308 Jerabek 7,708 Levinthal 7,088 Pearson 6,918 Stuedeman 2,000 Veizades 17,572. $51,594 *Unassigned salary Hy e\mel aud AITO Department of Genetics STANFORD UNIVERSITY Program of Research on Molecular Genetics and Environmental Influences Related to Cancer The Department of Genetics its fnvolved in a number of studies that we belfeve to be highly pertinent to the problem of cancer, from both a therapeutic and preventive stand- point. tn my own view, the latter is by far the most efficient approach to the control of cancer; but this should not be taken as any derogation of the indispensable efforts of many other sctentists to find ways to deal with the human tragedies Implicit [tn the tumors to which many lives are already committed, The particular areas of research for which we now reauire further support concern: : 1) The modification of DNA by specific pollutants, particularly chlorine, 2) The perfectton of assay methods for assessing the potential hazard of environmental chemicals with respect to the modification of DNA. 3) The development and application of automated methods of chemical analysis of hody flutds and secretions, with a view to a. discovering individual differences tn the metabolism of common nutrients (like tryptophan) that are already under stspicion as potential sources of mutations and of cancer, & bh. discovering the intake of substances (food additives,drugs,other environmental additives --itncluding byproducts of smoking and afr pollution) to which lfttle attention has been directed so far,hut which may hehave like the metabolic deviations mentioned in a. An excellent prototype of this would have been the discovery of cyclo- hexylamine and of its N-hydroxyl derivatives itn the urine of an creasing part of the population as an index of thetr Intake of cyclamates. There {[s little doubt that the procedures we are devel- oping would have been capable of detecting such an output, Address to Mr. Ribert Murray, President Center for Interaction, 901 First City National Bank Building Houston,Texas 77002 e * MUMFORD February 12 1971 proposal for support of genetics work The Department of Genetics is involved in a number of studies that we believe to be highty pertinent to the problem of cancer, from both a therapeutic and preventive standpoint, [n my own view, the Jatter is by far the most efficient approach to the control of cancer; but this should not be taken as any derogation of the indispensable efforts of many other scientists to find ways to deal with the human tragedies Implicit in the tumors to which many lives are already committed, The modification of DNA by specific pollutants,particularly chlorine. 2) The perfection of assay methods for assessing the potential hazard of environmental chemicals with respect to the modification of DNA, 3) The development and application of automated methods of chemical analysis of body fluids and secretions, with a view to ae b. discovering Individual differences In the metabolism of common nutrfents (like tryptophan) that are already under suspicion as potential sources of mutations and of cancer, % discovering the Intake of substances (food additives,drugs,other environmental additives --tncluding byproducts of smoking and atr pollution) to whitch little attention has been directed so far,but which may behave lftke the metabollc deviations mentioned In a. An excellent prototype of this would have been the discovery of cyclo- hexylamine and of its N-hydroxyl derivatives in the urine of an creasing part of the population as an Index of thetr Intake of cyclamates. There fs little doubt that the procedures we are devel- optng would have heen capable of detecting such an output.