July 16, 1970 The Honorable George Murphy United States Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare Washington, D.C. 20510 Bear Senator Murphy, Thank you for your letter of July 3rd concerning your role in the passage and implementation of S. Res. 376. I had not followed the legislative history of this proposal and was therefore unaware that you had indeed played a prominent role in it, a point which I am delighted to learn at this tine. The survey is, as you know, now under way in most intensive fashion and there will be a wide variety of inputs to it. My own personal point of view is that at the present time the outlook for dramatic improvements in the treatment of cancer is not as promising as the steps that we might undertake for its prevention, particularly by protecting the population from the impact of a number of environ- mental hazards whose role in cancer-production is beyond serious dispute. We have then the prospect of learning how to apply the advances in fundamental knowledge in molecular biology of recent years towards more effective approaches at therapy as well. Sincerely yours; Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics