perm ne ate oe : ae December 16, 1969 The Honorable George Murphy United States Senator Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. Dear Senator Murphy: | am sending you this letter to extend a cordial Invita- tion to you to visit the Stanford Medical School so that you can see first hand something of our program, and give us the opportunity to talk with you about the challenges and opportunities that currently face medical education. | assume that you will be coming back to California dur- ing the Christmas Holidays, and were it possible for you to give us a little of your time, my colleagues and ! would be very grateful indeed. {# think you would enjoy seeing the School, and we In turn would appreciate having the opportunity to get your views on certain of the current problems that we face. At your convenience, ! will look forward to hearing from you. With warm regards {| remain Very sincerely yours, Robert J. Glaser, M.D. RJG:1b bc: Joshua Lederberg, Ph.D. Mr. Lyle M. Nelson Hdyay 034