March 13, 1969 Dr. R. N. Mukherjee Unit of Radiation Biology Division of LIfe Sciences, IAEA Vienna 1, Kaerntnerring Austria Dear Dr. Mukherjee: yh Dr. A. H. Sparrow has mentioned that you are trying to coordinate and collect information on radio-resistant organisms in "liquids used for shielding nuclear reactors". I have no useful information to offer you, but would appreciate your letting me know of any papers that may have been published on this question. In 1957 I visited the reactor at Trombay and was quite astonished to see the density of blue-green algal growth in the swimming- pool reactor. Subsequently, I believe I saw a note on the question in Nature, but have not been able to retrieve the reference. My immediate interest in the question has to do with possible sources of radiation-resistant bacteria, and we have already found some inter- esting organisms, different from Micrococcus radiodurans, at the Brook- haven site,which we are exploring further for genetic investigations. If you can let me have a list of published reference on organisms in reactor pools, as well as any other information that you might have for my immediate research interest, I would be most grateful to you. The particular direction of my interest is to investigate possibly diverse mechanisms of repair of radiation-damaged DNA in bacteria. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics