MAR 101975 she STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER i y STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 March 3, 1975 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Genetics (415) 497-5052 Dr. Herschel Roman Department of Genetics University of Washington School of Medicine Seattle, Washington 98195 Dear Hersch, I have been surprised to realize that Arno Motulsky has not yet been elected to the National Academy of Sciences“nor have I seen his name prominently indicated. This surprises me for I feel that he has made much more important contributions within his own sphere than have many others who are elected without quibble. I can understand that as Chairman of the section you might not wish to take the initiative with respect to one of your colleagues. But if you agree with me about this matter and would be willing to do the preliminary work of putting together a biography and an assessment, I would be glad to take on the role of proponent and nominator. I did not believe there would be much difficulty in establishing a strong backing for his membership but perhaps I am missing something of which I should be aware. Sincerely yours, ye Pp - Josfua Lederberg Dear Josh: JL/rr I submitted Arno's name a couple of years ago and the response to his candidacy was not encouraging. I decided this year, as a matter of judgment, not to submit his name again because Doermann and Sandler were on the list, each with a legitimate claim to candidacy. I was planning to intwoduce Arno's name next year, possibly as an intersectional candidate with Medical Sciences Section to improve his chances. I was delighted to see that Medical Sciences has nominated him this year, as you probably know by now. We'll see how the election turns out and we will try again next year if he fails. I wrote to George Hammond about the question of the eligibility for Associate Membership So0¥ foreign nationals holding full-time positions in this country. He reconfirmed the policy that such persons are not eligible. He will bring up the subject for discussion in the Council and will notify me if there is any change in policy. Unless there is, there will be no point in submitting Cavalli's name next fall. Other suggestions? f ever, LT, J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LARORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR M. 3 Tee TARA IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE