Nei. prom To: JOSHUA LEDERBERG aia a ~~ Kleatr MAY 4 1972 re your correspondence with Goodlin I fully understand your repugnance about opening the AJHG to correspondence about infanti- cide. I keep in mind that the society was founded in reaction against the Eugenics group, to retain £2 a forum for expert scientific ddiscussion. Cif * He did ask mel 1 cohld add to the documentation about xnank Nazi infanticide and the role of gene- ticists therein. I ama little hard put to res- pond to this precise formulation., I did send him some clips on euthanasga from the Fest and Grunberger books on Nazi Germany. I did not wish to provoke him by also sending the attached, which is just to you. It really is no argument pro or con abortion, but by the same token infanticide, that the Nazis had made some use of it. Sincerely, PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics . School of Medicine x —= Stanford University \ Stanford, California 94305