P.S. Why not ask the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency to prepare a DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS resume of U.S. and international intiastives for BW control? (I would be f * LE 7 fav. Prof. J. Lederberg adage ya d ibe 7/2/62 : ) T . delighted to see this myself STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94304 a fences 7 eee a 4/7 Area Code 415 3-1-1200 Maal Oa Ae /Esprenber 2, 1968 Dear Senator Mondale: win I was most pleased to receive your letter of August 21, respon- ding to some of the concerns I have expressed about biological warfare. May I begin with the remark that I plan to use the published hearings on your bill S. J. Res. 145 as the textbook for a course on biology and human affairs that I will be teaching again this fall. Dr. Matthew Meselson of Harvard is the mos¢ knowledgeable source to whom I could refer you -- but I will call himself and I am sure he will respond directly. I am enclosing a fair bit of material, some of which I had received originally from him, and I know he could bring it up to date. I would also refer you-to Hersh's very recent book, from which I have copied and enclose the chpater on proposals for international control. His writing is unduly hysterical about the so-called “establishment” that has been built about CBW. There ism as far as I can see an honest difference of opinion how the country should respond to the threat of CBW by our ad- versaries. But the worst of it is the inertia shown by the administration in recognizing the problem as a world-issue that far outweighs its possible strategic significance. My own concern is not at all for the possible use of BW by the US or the USSR, but our opening the door to a proliferation of irresponsible experiments by smaller powers. May I also stress (as, unfortnnately, Meselson and Hersh have not done) the distinctions between chemical and biological warfare, from this paint of view. As far as I can see, CW introduces no fundamental novelties into the existing horrors of war; nevertheless, I do respect the argument that the very proliferation of new tools capable of fitting a wider variety of tactical challenges does increase the zemipta temptation tp use them. (For example, our purported capacity to conduct efficient counter—insurgency undpubtedly played a central role in getting us into the Vietnamese mess.) But this should not cloud the issue raised by the species-hazard of BW. LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY we, 7 oa MEDICINE Dian ce desc ate tb te, Bar | W 91 Nn