Dr. M. Mohammadian Seraye Faredanesh, Tehvan/ tran. Dr. J. LEDERBERG Stanford University School of Medicine Department, of Genetics Stanford, California UL. S.A, June 4th, 1975 Dear Dr. Lederberg, lam writing to you to benefit from your counsel regarding the establisment of an institute for biological research and genetic, counselling in Tehran. The institute would be the research arm of a national organization involved for the past 10 Years in so- cial work such as the care and vocational training of mentally retar- ded children. Our first objective would be to initiate a program- me of family planning and genetic counselling and gradually become involved in all areas of biological research relevant to human wel- fare. Initially we would try to form a nucleus of Iranian scientists but would also like to have foreign scientists here for vary- ing periods to initiate research programmes and generally help to set up the institute. I would appreciate your help regarding the following points : 1, - Advise me on any matter whatsoever regarding the establisment of the institute. 2. - Inform me of the presence of similar institutes. 3. - Sctentists involved in such research programmes who could help us initiate our programme. We could meet with these scientists and decide on a final plan of action. Your prompt consideration of this request will be greatly appreciated . Looking forward to hearing from you, Yours Sincerely, Mob boo der M, MOHAMMADIAN.