September 13, 1968 Dr. Matthew Meselson Department of Biology Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts . Dear Matt: Senator MOndale would be a very good champion for following through on some of our mutual concerns about work on biological warfare. I did send him some matérial of my own in response to his letter, but I pointed to you as having much more authoritative information on the history of BW control proposals and the general atmosphere that pervades the administration on this subject. I promised him that I would communtaate with you directly and try to provoke you to contact him at your own initiative with further material in response to his request. I don't know just how many of these columns have been appearing in the Boston Globe, so I enclose them anyhow for your own information. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics dcut 3/s0/b f + Nag blag Wee NOSTAS 3 ||