Memo from To: Yon. Pete McCloskey nea nee, JOSHUA LEDERBERG 10 August 1974 (A sobering, still glorious day) I assumed you would have cancelled your en- gagements here for today. Please let me know if there are any later convenient opportunities. Thank you for the GAO material. I suspect that the President may be asking you for suggestions along the lines of a policy of national reconciliation. If you have the opportunity ‘to communicate this, I think he might well consider the reinstatement of the Office of the Science Advi-~ ser in some meaningful form. I would not be cha- grinned to see this in OMB, headed by another Deputy Director, rather than as an independent offie of purported (and never really) equal status. There are other viable approaches. Nor is this a Rad-Lib plot: for example, ask Pat Haggerty (President of Texas Instruments) what he thinks of it, and also fo1 nominations. Such a step would not be very costly in any dimension, and could go a long way to recruit a large segment of the academic community into a sense of faith in Mr. Ford's intentions about seekins advice from a broad base of knowledgeable people -- a line that his predecessor rejected to the pain of - all of us. Yours, PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305