February 19, 1970 Mr. Paul N. MeCloskey, Jr. Congreas of the United States House of Representatives Washington, D. C. 20515 Dear Pete, Yhank you for your letter of February l€th and for having followed up my concern about the reshuffling that involved Tom Williams. As is often the case, the problems, and they were real ones, stemmed from the thoughtlessness of people in the lower echelons and when Williams succeeded in bringing his troubles to Mr. Venneman's attention an adjustment that I think was pretty much to everyone's satisfaction was worked out. I taiked to Williams after writing you and discovered that one of the ways that “Tom Williams value has been recognized" was strong pressure on him to accept a reduction in rating as a companion to hia transfer to his new job. However, when this waa brought to the attention of a responsible level, as I learned later, the absurdity was rectified. Now that this has blown over - and it is perhape likely that your conversation with Lew Butler did make some waves in the right places, I think that there would be some real mert£t in your getting to know Williams personally, which fs probably even more to the point in his new position than ever before. I am starting to collect my thoughts on the question of policies that influence population distribution and, knowing your deep interest in land use, I would be grateful for any legislative material that you may have conveniently at hand that could help me order my thinking about it. | Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Profeesor of Genetics ' JL/rr