STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 © (415) 321-1200 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Genetics vear Pete-- OCT Ss {969 How about a raincheck? I have to catch an 8 AM plane Saturday, and it is rather short notice to pull together other people. I have to admire your energy in suggesting @p 9750 for a Saturday morning; and it would be a way to filter out tlinse less able or willing; but I could do a better job recruiting for a more civilized time. ould October 25 or Nov. 1 be possible for you? Do you want to suggest a more convenient place?(I would try, anyhow, to get a rounder table and make "breakfast" more incidental). I see 3 main items for an agenda: 1) population control formats; 2) sources of "objective" evaluation of needs for science funding) 3) better communication * Y . LT. J. P. KESNESE, SR. ASAEGBLBs ANS a {POST AR WTEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH in AL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY YEVELOPM ENTAL MEDICINE