PAUL N. MCCLOSKEY, JR. COMMITTEE ON 117H DISTRICT, CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS AND COMMITTEE ON Congress of the United States MERCHANT MARINE AND FISHERIES House of Representatives Washington, B.C. 20515 August 6, 1969 Dr. Joshua Lederberg School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: I noted your recent grant from the Science Foundation and write to offer congratulations. I would like to meet again with the Stanford Advisory group, perhaps in October, on either a Friday morning or Saturday morning, the 10th or 11th. I am wondering also if in September you might be interested in appearing before the House Republican Task Force on Population Planning. We had a presentation yesterday from Dr. Shockley, who presented his arguments that the National Academy of Science should support research into racial heredity questions, and I am sure that the Committee would appreciate hearing the opposing views. Best regards, Nees < ad Paul N. McCloskey, Jr. PNMcC:cb