STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE , STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER 300 PASTEUR DRIVE, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94304 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS Professor Joshua Lederberg JUL 1 3 1969 Hen. Paul McCloskey House of Representatives Washington, D.C. Dear Pete-- This is not entirely an invitation to go into some public-spirited muckraking, though with a new administration, some headway might be possible. I am no fan of Garrison's, but it was a dirty game to release his psychiatric files (reported by the Chicago Tribune, and then the NYTimes eon 12/30/67.) I watched intently for a follow- up and the most I ever found was this brief clip from the AMA News. I know (from your re- marks on the Census) that you are very much concerned about rights of privacy. On the strength of that, I would ask you to make some inquiry of the US Army, at least to get the official re- leases behind the AMANews story; and use your own judgment whether to pursue it any further. I will also make an innocent inquiry as a private citizen, but doubt if I will get any reply. The NSF is getting clobbered again, as you pre- dicted. Can you help wake up your fellow congress- men that this makes the seed corn for our techno- logical affluence and commercial survival, not to mention the hope of ever dealing with our environmental problems. Lr. Josep P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES/FOp dedicated to the study of merteal retardation Molecular Biology Heredity Neurobiology Developmental Medicine Karisd7oW