August 15, 1968 Congressman Paul N. McCloskey 490 El Camino Real Belmont, California 94002 Dear Mr. McCloskey: I very much enjoyed our luncheon conversation, and I promise that you will be hearing more from me about the possibility of setting up an advisory group to prepare background information and discussion, the second source of advice on matters of national strategy, international relations, world trade, disarmament, and the related topics that we mentioned in our dis- cussion. Meanwhile, I notice that this very morning's Wall Street Journal has an excellent, and, I believe, well balanced article on the ABM proposals. I don't believe it has any new information but I would recommend it for your perusal. I am also enclosing a column of my own writing that has a specific additional comment about the implications Gor our relations with China. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics iv" WW > [- ce terns Mo '} WST AANSET va Wl