August 12, 1971 Honorable Warren G. Magnuson United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Magnuson, ay I am sure that you are relieved to be haved the arduous work of the HEW appropriation act. I apologize that I did not find the time in the appropriate interval to communicate with you prior to the passage of the bill through your committee. But your good work speaks for itself and I am not sure that I could have added very much to what you already knew and felt, May I, however, take the occasion to send you a remarkable example of life-protecting advance that has materialized rather unexpectedly from very basic research in genetics. I know that this aspect of health research has had your special attention during the last two years. Not so many people are aware, in a way that the hepatitis story illustretes, of the very broad ramifications of what sometimes seem to be highly esoteric studies. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics ‘Dm nOscangvYy