OFFICE MEMORANDUM e¢ STANFORD UNIVERSITY @ OFFICE MEMORANDUM Dae: OCT 23 1969 To :President Pitzer From : Goshua Lederberg Susect: HEW Blacklist & Secretary Finch. Would it be impertinent for me to suggest that in your capacity as President of the University you might have a particularly persuasive message to convey to Secy. Finch on this matter? I have been personally engaged with it for some time as a member of the NIMH advisory council, and the system is unbelievably pernicious and stupid. Many people are on the blacklist without being aware of it. A potential candidate is investigated before he is even asked about his availability for study-section membership. If the security section raises any question whatever, the director faces the dilenma of whether to press hard for a full field investigation without the candidate's knowledge After years of struggle, 'security' will often back down to avoid a direct court confrontation. And this leaves the system just where it was. The HEW system goes far beyond the requirements of the law or the existing security systems of other agencies like DOD or AEC. . If you are of like mind, could you ask other reputable citizens (e.g. the Board) to Speak up? Other university presidents? It may be most impertant to know what Finch's problem is, and this suggests some advantage to personal communication, Sincerely, 331440 © ALISUZAINN GYOINVIS @ axo4nvis « WhaNvaowaw N WNGNVYIOWIW JD1ddO © ALISUIAI