Columbia Gniversity College of Physicians and Surgeons 620 WEST 168TH STREET NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY May Z ; 1946. Dear Josh; It looks like we cum isolate both the nucleic acids from neurospora. We are continuing work in order to determine yields of both, etc. If you want some for your work I should “N be very happy to prepare them both for you with & high desree of purity, if you give us a hand. If you will grow cultures “ of the wild type or whatever mutant you want worked up we can take over from there. You'll have to harvest the crop, (centrifuge), and dehydrate a couple of times with sever&él volumes of alcohol, tne material can then be sent along to us. Both the nucleic acids Will be depolymerized in all probability, altho I'm still working on that angle. Let us know if you are interested. Ada joins me in our best wishes, Sincerely,