December 26, 1972 Dr. John R. Gregg Department of Zoology Duke University Durham, North Carolina 27706 Dear John, This is just to ask you whether you have kept up a bibliography on the theme of "the axiomatic method in biologyā€¯ and particularly for papers after your 1964 edited volume. There is a long way to go from the formalization of chemistry -- where we have had some success in putting the chemist's intellectual function on the computer -- and in biology, But I thought I should educate myself a little better about the depth of the problen. ob& th way, do you have any idea where Woodger's book might still be Seabigbdeor whether a publishing house like Dover might be stimulated to reprint it? I would be curious to see an account of your thinking on what the pragmatic utility of this formal approach has been so far in biology, and in which fields thereof, and what you think may be the future outlook. With best regards, Sincerely yours, a Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Enclosures JL/rr 994