Memo from To: JOSHUA LEDERBERG ___tudes in American Thoug Professor Charles Frankel Calum bio N 2 Social Science and Policy 8 S72 I have given much thought about your proposal, and after some vacillation, have decided that I had better decline. After hearing a seminar by Herrnstein yesterday, it became ever clearer that the content of his and Jensen's assertions (a coupling made by himgelf) has had very little to do with public (and policy?) reactions. The style has been all important; and this would carry me beyond my depth in sociological analysis of public ppinion. (The matter of style is even more egregious in re Shockley, who has so little else to offer.) I hope you will not avoid the issue (as, in a way, I now must do) but will find the ap- propriate expertise to deal with problems of social propaganda and how they influence public policy. If you do find someone (un)wise enough to attempt such reflection oh the Jensen etc. iss ues, I may still be able to contribute, if you wish, with a critical reprise on the scientific validity of the genetics invoked or implied therein, There are times when I feel you should find the highest competence in an actual field of work; and I am still an amateus in social science and philosophy. I might perhaps nominate M.H. Haller (U Chicago??) author of an excellent histo- rical work, on EUGENICS Hekeditarign atti- ht Rutgers. / don heed Ants Sey. Sincerely, PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics oy School of Medicine \ \ ยข Stanford University Lai Stanford, California 94305 sea 0-3