MEMO FROM TO: TX J. LEDERBERG C G Heden RC GENETICS DEPARTMENT iƩ " f RO STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA du 2 8 878 Dear Carl-Goran: I am sorry tiat I will not have a chance to see you at the meetings in Mexico City. Is there any chance of your returning via SFO, particularly so that we might discuss some rdeent devekopments in the CBW field? I will be attending the CCD (formerly ENDC) meetings at Geneva next weck as a consultant (though quite unofficial) at the behest of the Arms Control Agency, and I would like the opportunity of comparing notes with you afterwards. I hope to be at home for some while after twak my return (on August 8). May I say how valuable I found the SIPkI volumes on the subject. In fact, may I im- pose on you for a great favor, to furnish us with one (if possible two) additional sets for use by the students in a course we are feaching this fall on arms control and dis- armament (expected enrollment 2%)-39)).Please bill me for any charges or expenses on this. VA dat Sinnerely,