STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER 300 PASTEUR DRIVE, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94304 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS Professor Joshua Lederberg My dear Heden: I don't know how clearly these tides are visible to you in Stockholm, but I was sure you would want the full text of George Wald's recent talk, which has received an astonishing amount of attention here (having been reprinted in several newspapers as well as the New Yorker and other media where I would not expect to see it. The students have also been very much stirred by it. Naom Chomsky is another man who is emerging aS a spokesman of this kind of academic protest. John Gardner's name would complete the troika. All this possibly still relevant to Nobel/14. Sincerely, PS. Sain orey DY aT reer Ae 2A. fe pla fe EE Tire Paryererts Cover wk Pecapes [Mow APR 70 1969 Lr. Josepu P. Kennepy, Jr. Laporatories For MOLECULAR MEDICINE dedicated to the study of mental retardation Molecular Biology Heredity Neurobiology Developmental Medicine NBs