™ MEMO FROM To: 6-G-H ndiin , LEDERBERG _ SeNETICS DEPARTMENT S\PR | RO 7 STANFORD UNIVERSITY Srl bin . STANFORD, CALIFORNIA Gs Sea: hd dea JL AFR 3 1969 Law * neal lems of war and poverty and Ante omy totanrern cesrastiot are particularly provoxed by _ * the inertia that moves a Ay ath Dr veebsadus ttn rhimaye yroject like the antiballistic db, nissile, as if we lived in a on On ter? Scere . lream world that could ig- tore the anxicties and adap- Solar Howe sermntd An Cxpucam ations of the Russians and ° 1e Chinese to our moves. (teeta ve prcbuage othe Aad / 1 CAN understand the . ) BeeY. ° nger that leads to protest. As pnrolr Raney 448 ay. j q ut I would also charge my udents and colleaguas that 20 Acg a , Aneta rem ey have a precious asset . . Q ) ore valuable than their ris- burr ? bhes a Letrn, gZ voices: the skills, train- Ag. A . . z and temperament to an- 7h AAR yze_ difficult problems Ao har fre th scientific objectivity. ¢ (ir scattered ideas on how Qe eens { Pear cporencyeismednary >: zchieve world security ve never reached the - el of consensus casily - eee tee ‘ n by good science; prob- : , pees mo 1s as difficult as this are So ee . Ger oe itponed by prudent scien- ae ; s, if they can. . .- - a | ur political estab- : wc ~ ment may be incredibly ase about seeming ccin- 1 sense on some issues. ertheless, I doubt that ‘edited scientists in any i would fcce insuperable acles in funding innova- research even if it were uly aimed at world peace. . 959, The Washington Pos? Co. z-(-69 wae aa. o av. DUageL, Medical distract a scientist from esearch sponsored by the thinking; I would rather re- National Institutes of . - wane VPTI GLIA 10 solve to work a little harder that day. Such a pious vow : : n, at level some- would attract few headlines, 27¢ Hem, at a what over a thousandth of the gross national product. The anger and frustration that drive students and re- searchers even to think about a research strike are not really directed to the science policy of the Gov- ernment, which has been sheddy—-exeopt that it is. also the most emichtened the world has ever seen, ‘They ‘are directed to the ¢ Lettie fo nce sslithoab feof. Health being the preponder- aH