STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER 300 PASTEUR DRIVE, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS DAvenport 3-1200 Exe, 5052 October 22, 1966 My dear Heden-- Thank you very much tor the documents relating to the "Eatly Warning" discussion, and especially for your kind comments about my new column. I do have to apologize about my contribution to Impact, particularly as I quite misunderstood the type ef audience for whom it was intended. I fully accept your critical remarks. On the one hand, I hardly think that my efforts so far warrant any compensation from UNESCO, and I had not thought of this in any case, whether the article can be published or not. On the other, I am afraid { am really too deepky committed in other ways to undertake any further effort on the article. I am very sorry to have ended up with such an ineffectual repponse, and especially to have disappointed you after having accepted the assignment. ‘he most constructive thing I can do is to assure yeu of my sympa- thetic understanding of your criticisms, and not to standin the way of any al- ternative solution you may find to meet the problem. Yau might for example +z solicit an article from Jacob on a related subject. I must leave this entirely to your own judgment. { for the column v Actually, I do not write/about science as such, and find some difficulty qy in explaining the factual detail of scientific results in lay terms. My column zt is nather devoted to the points of impact of science on man. It would be a major wifort for me to undertake a comprehensive discussion aleng these lines on the subjected suggested for my Impact article. And I hardly know whether I could add significantly to the thoughts I have already put down in the enclosed article, which appeared recently in the Bull. Atom. Sci. The relationship of microbial genetics to the ideas on clonal biology expressed there is obvious. When possible, I would wim welcome the opportunity of further comment in: my column on international agreements for limitsng bw. For this purpose, I would be grateful for any public releases that may appear on the work of your com- mittee, Naturally, I will respect the implicit confidence associated with the maternal so far regeived,in the absence of a definite release. I trust that the expression of my private opinions on related subjects is no embarrassment to your group. I am sorry to have missed the chance of Seeing you last month, and look forwand to some future occasion when I might make a more constructive congtri- bution, Yours sinceyély, - \ i (\ ~ U L “ Ct Jwebnad eat yy LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR., LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE