INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY Nov. 16, 1955 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics The University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wis. Dear Lederberg: I am delighted to have your letter of Nov. 15, to myself, to- gether with the one that you wrote to Rabinowitch. In tw or three days I am leaving to go to Princeton to attend a cenference on the genetic effects of radiation that the National Academy has called. I am very doubtful about what they will accomplish, particularly since there will be men on the panel who are antagonistic to the idea of there being a genetic danger, and others who may want to muddy up the issue by claiming that an increase in heterozygosis is beneficial for mankind. However, I have been thinking of proposing to them that the whole inquiry should be on a much groader basis, and concern itself not merely with radiation. Your let Heap ast in time to give me val- uable support in this, and I hope you will not mind my reading it to them. It would, however, have been much better if you had been one of the members. However, the talks are only beginning and if I can work it, I will have you called in later, provided you do not object. I quite agree with you that this matter should not be left to the AEC or even to the American Cancer Society or the National Cancer Institute as it has been in the past for with these organizations the whole problem is just a rather obnoxious and expensive side issve. Something like the Public Health Service.ought to take itup. Certainly the World Health Organization would bé-interested, but that would not have the funds as a national organization would. I intend to speak to Dr. Chisholm who is on the campus giving lectures to see if he has any suggestions about the matter since he was for some years head of the World Health Organization and is very forward looking in such matters. Your letter ought to help me with him, too, With all best wishes, Yours sincerely, FA). Fn Loan H. J. Mull HJM:slh