April 2, 1973 Dr. Tetsuo Line Laboratory of Genetics Faculty of Science University of Tokyo Hongo, Tokyo 113, JAPAN Dear Tetsuo, I just wanted to call your attention to the way that cyclic AMP is appearing almost everywhere as a regulator in microbial as well as eukaryotic systema. Specifically I wanted to Suggest that you look into it as a possible factor in (1) the inhibition of Hy expression by the Hj product and (2) the "mutatéon" at Ah. Some references below. All best wishes, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics P.&. Did you see Sgaramella's paper in PNAS 10/32? We have some exciting follow-up on that now, initiating a reasonable transfection system with P22 DNA. But not yet to the efficiency where we can demonstrate bacterial transfer with DNA. \ JL/rr priya: Enclosure (References)