cc. for Dr. October 19, 1966 Dr. E. C. Levinthal Stanford University Medical School Palo Alto, California Dear Doctor Levinthal: I very much enjoyed meeting you and the somewhat rushed opportunity to discuss your fascinating work and its relation to our efforts in exobiology. I enclose a letter to John Westley and hope that he is still in- terested in the possibility of applying his elegant technics to some of our samples. No doubt we should spend a lot more time finding out about the background "noise" of materials here and perhaps cleaning them up with special care and precautions. However, I only have a small group and the opportunity to fly the experiment in about two weeks time precludes any further development of the technic at the present moment. With best regards. Yours sincerely, John Hotchin, M.D. Research Associate and Assistant Director JH/as Enc. Lederberg