DATE: September 24, 1968 TO: Meno to Joshua Lederberg SUBJECT: Telephone Conversation - Don Hornig (18 September) His main purpose waa to nick.we in the sides for Humphrey which I re~ fused to do for the time being waiting to hear some better statements about his policy on Vietnam. Hornig did bring up Humprey's interest in arma control which I, of course, acknowledge as an important con- sideration. I brought up with “ornig the criticism of Rusk's view of exchange pro- grams. Hornig dismissed this as a trivial incident that Rusk was én- portant to save the real guts of the exchange programs. In fact, he said that he had been criticized at the recent meeting in Vienna of the Physicists fer why the United States had not expressed itself vehemently in reaction to the Czech invasion. I did try to point out that a message from the Czechs and, perhaps, aleo from the Soviet scientists might undercut the attack now being mounted on Senate rati- fication of the nonproliferation treaty. He missed the point about this for quite awhile then dwelt on the likelihood that any statement on the subject from Soviet scientists would be contraproductive. He eventually did get the point abeut looking for some reading on the subject from the Czech government of some representatives of the Czech liberal thought. I did spend encugh time on thie question to be gure that he did understand this final point, and I have the impression that he will try co follow it up in some way. JL:ih a DINYIH