STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 ¢ (415) 321-1200 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Genetics 0 CT 9 9 70 (Gl um bia) ~ % Dear Professor Hilsman-- greeter Your account @ pp. 163-164, surfaced to my consciousness (again), just a few days ago; I would have written this piece much more confi- dently if I had recalled it sooner. I am having some trouble tracking down the Gilpatric speech to which you refer. He talked to the Business Council at Hot Springs, Va. on Oct. 21 (Vital Sppeches of the Day, 12/1/61), but his statements do not seem as portentous as I would have looked for from your text. ("we have a second strike capability which is at least as extensive as what the Soviets can deliver by striking first".) Do you have a uakakex usable reference for a Nov. '61 speech? (All this is mainly for my own education in trying to learn how to read between the lines of such remarks. ) Your book on "Strategic Intelligence..." carefully distinguished foreign policy evaluations from military intelligence, and then made a great point of the separation of "intelligence" from threat evalua- tion and policy. The recent flurry of news stories about the role of various “intelligence" sources in evaluating the Soviet SS-9's, and the Soviet utilization of Cienfuegos, etc., suggest either a mis- use of the term "intelligence", or a very different doctrine for it in a military context. Can you point me to any publications that ex- plore this point? urs sincere a 2? a) Zheers we Cas / / P.S. I suppose you must have known Allan Evans quite well, if I understand your respective positions at State during the 6O's. I did not realize he was a next door neighbour, until the actual moment of his death a few weeks ago when I had to try, quite hopelessly, to resuscitate him. My wife and Marjorie Evans have gotten to know one another quite well since then, and I have nothing but the best to say about her, and how she is managing her bereavement. ‘INOW ST Kiron SV ony “fon one thode fo fae’ LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE