STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 « (415) 321-1200 Sranrorp University ScHOOL OF MEDICINE , S Eppa L Department of Genetics , 0 CT Dear Al: I am glad to know you are doing a book on lambda. All we know about K-12 eohistory is in the enclosures. People have short memories. I would not waste anybody's time or emotion by taking the initiative in raising historical questions; but if you are making the definitive historical record, I hope you will shave the information at least not to embed in concrete some of the ‘retrospective glosses over the early controversies concerning lambda, F and so forth. I have in mind particularly the critical skepticism that greeted the first inferences published by Esther and myself concerning the chromosomal localization of the prophage -- and how recurrently it was imputed that lambda and F were mixed up with one another. In our view, the segregation of pro-lambda, linked to Gal, from heterozygotes, was the decisive verification of the inference from our first crosses. (We did miss the phenomenon of zygotic induc- tion, which was not prominent. with our strains under our crossing con- ditions; but this in fact did not disturb the argument from the crosses. ) I am not suggesting that you take much time or effort to go into this in your book; but if you do, I hope you will get in the whole at story, which is a confusing one. ber yo 794 \ Sincerely, | Dito ‘ 4 Ene: q"] gle ” Gee weft £44 Le Dey ON Cho LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE