fo i ~however. ; ann on September 11, 1969 Dr. K. W. King Research Corporation 405 Lexington Avenue New York, New York 10017 Dear Dr. King, I wae most intrigued by your letter of August 28th having received Dr. Ramsey's inquiry about your annual award a few weeks earlier. I had been torn between making a specific nomination @ Hershey) versus reacting rather critically “is this just the kind of award you really want to be making these days?" Does not “pure” scientific achievement already have quite enough recognition in our general prestige system?" And the rest of your own letter would have been a pretty good paraphrase of my own reaction. - cpamcn tro FRIES __Wdeldy-E- Seri happen to think that @@ Hershey is one of the we -““great unheralded scientific intellects of the time and,therefore, if a copy of this letter to Dr. Ramsey will serve as a nominatéon oy I hope he will accept it in that spirit. I do not think I would be a or a very effective or conscientious member of a selection jury" ee sme ee ae emai, drugs tee Whar mene weeny ae pre ran ae eee stty Ra RR ASI RES ss omecnen saan naoe eye mg ne A+thoughtful ansver to .your questions deserves more time and attention than I can distill into a letter, just at this moment. And even this ought to be more coherent than it is going to come out. Let me point first of all to the enclosure on a new program in human biology which is founded on the premise that undergraduate education is a part of the two culture (or n-culture) problem. We have just received word that the Ford Foundation will give us the support we need to get this program off the ground. It is axiomatic, however, that they were unable to give us quite everything we asked for, and even at that we knew that some requirements would emerge but could only be properly justified after we had gotten more deeply into the implementation of the program. I am particularly concerned about finding funds for some student research projects, particularly those of an interdisciplinary character which tend to be equal distant from the available troughs. Right now I would like to know where I could find about $4Y26¥9a year to help support an extremely bright medical student who is, believe it or not, writing a competent pook about "The Experimental City". (This happens to be David Sachs who wrote a piece about water quality in McCall's last year that did end up having a rather constructive impact in shaking the complacency of a great many people, including Public Health agencies, about this problem.) over — f KANSYIH 7 gt «nie