EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20506 June 8, 1970 Dear Josh: Thanks for your comments regarding difficulties of loan programs for university students. For a variety of reasons - economic, institutional, and psychological - we believe that a loan program is not a suitable mechanism of student support for graduate students. The only possible exception is perhaps the medical student and there we believe that a loan program combined with either a forgive- ness mechanism based on public service or a repayment plan based on income tax might serve better than the present system. I think your idea of capitalization of the loans is an intriguing one and we shall inject it into the deliberations now going on, I hope to be out at Stanford once or twice this summer. Perhaps we can get together on one or another of these trips. Best regards, WA Hubert Heffner Deputy Director Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 JUN 7 0 1970 awa