rs MEMO FROM TO: TX J. LEDERBERG . rc GENETICS DEPARTMENT Mrs. Fred Harris RO STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA I neglected to send this encllosure with my letter of August 22/ fonts TO: RC Saturday, May 11, 3968 ‘ence utile onal Racism MEMO FROM Ro acial in- THE PRIMER restates J LEDERBERG + dforus what we all know, that we * DEPARTMEN i live in t f institu- GENETICS n again ive in a system of institu FORD UNIVERSITY ‘not re- _ tions that rigidify and pert- STAN RD CALIFORNIA detail petuate historic wrongs STANFORD, __ etal’ while keeping the coloration — about of individual toleran ce. about wWhai consolation is it to the _ iliation’ Negro that only a minority able to get across a dation, of whites cast aspersions on been ed message: talk abeut real I hope I have rather confus to We do need Mien" to cenvey some problems ahead of us; "institutional ity about the "abolish racism" is to eay useful and concrete. we the problem, so that : hat is . nothing t but pervasiv need to ana lyze ish an "“abolis injustices that wee and obtain the mea n concre - te deal with. ne) tabolish racism statis. his children while the rest point to their own intellect- rot by ual progress in racial under- xperl- standing; while the Negro is Jam still systematically excluded ong. I from good housing, good ed-. rimi- Uwcation, goods jobs; while vare. the riots are exploited as ex- cuses to turn our back on aside human needs? | swer We are cautioned not to © ark. “reward” rioters with re- the fragmentary oly qdentify ing forms in response to vio- at a ‘ence. What could possibly ‘itu. U* © 1 a : criminate 20 million people po- _ for the crimes of a few tens Without that analysis: | ie life perfect" «ro : of fhousands and to deny i han means nething other t ise. i them what is justice, not es ° charity. Or do we believe al that one race does have the right to that domination of ‘7 another which is the fact of 5 American life today? 1 The responsibility for in- f stitutional “racism is too 2 heavy for any one individual \ to bear. There are no easy Ways to change it. But the first step is honest aware- ness. As long as we tolerate white dominion, Jet us admit that we are white racists whatever the color of our skin, the profession of our tolerance or the Gemuetli- chkeit of our commiseration. © 1968, The Washington Post Co. be more racistic than toin- . , SISA DAN Csyi)