— SS STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER 300 PASTEUR DRIVE, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94304 FEB 5 1969 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS Brofessor Joshua Lederberg Dear We. Narra - dun oe | r ty ; f S . Jun CEN, Akos. Re ocersp on footer y Lo thx AR) Raps fasd of wey Hames, ao nw / ° ~ , “4 Nn iy —— . ‘ . cuthekid, Clas t4 rete, prs kore! f quotes 6 veg LA zhi ; ( de Are tarast yj centee ¢ a a Jakgeant? och “f eT, ee etitntaade eG CLA A anf! “pe © C S iY Lr. Josepn P. Kennepy, Jr. Laporarortes FoR Motecucar MEDICINE dedicated to the study of mental retardation Molecular Biology Heredity Neurobiology Developmental Mcdicine Mr. J. G. Harrar President The Rockefeller Foundation. 111 West 50th Street NEW YORK, NEW YROK 10020 srlerscetioss baw bap -19- 64 can a Y Pe self-elimi- based on nee will 2 general anxiety atentioned ight for us e twins?”) ig practi- sults. He ful coer- ie ends of ds. In fact, £ his dis- 2k the un- 70 ©6breed” as a basic sstion the ‘reedom in Neverthe- that Prof, y underes- ulty of ac- xplicit so- reprodue- npling on onal free- willingly mbersome ‘ocess that city of my bitrary as- °° } wR 6 i qa fy» # vi TE e7 a4 au im Sud dot fh Psisis orl S28 saults by the fallible agents of the state. We can more readily tolerate the inevita- ble minor inequities in the allotment of positive ineen- tives and rewards that can achieve the same ends, THIS MAY seem a fecbie answer. to the population problem in poor countries, but their basic prob'en is poverty. Overbreeding is no less a consequence of their poverty than a cause of it, and no amount of gloomy exhortation or diplomatic pressure will get very far unless accompanied by an- swecvs to their desperate problems of economic devel- opment. Knowing Prof. Hardin's background as a biologist, I expected him to insist that ‘action be preceded by more detailed knowledge of the motivational causes of over- breeding. In middle-class America, they miay be inter- twined with our dismal! fail- ure to solve the problem, epitomized by the title of Si- ‘mone de Beauvoir’s “The Second Sex.” What other creative role in life do women play after they have dutifully produced exactly _two children? , ied a The Washington Posi Ca.