Jdly 27, 1973 Mr. Kenneth R. Hansen 3030 Klingle Road Washington, D.C. 20008 Dear Ken, I have been away since the middle of June, not so far as Iran, and prob’hbly missed you if you were in California the latter part of June. I am rather warming up to the idea of Brookings West, perhaps having been a little bit disappointed on the diffuseneas of the operation at the Center for Advanced Studies in Behavioral Sciences. So, I certainly would like to continue to discuss this with you and gee whether there is some part that I could play in such an operation. I am sure you know that the Bureau of Economic Research is setting up a Western branch very close to the Center under the directorship of Victor Fuchs, but this would certainly cover only a small proportion of the range of interests of a Brookings. I am so delighted that you did get together with Jim Leonard and hope something that 1s indeed constructive and useful comes out of it as I am sure it will. All the best to Lynn and yourself. S8ncerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetica JL/rr errr! ASN EP