May 18, 1973 oD 5 "iO 2 2) ~ 4/4 Mr. Kenneth Hansen 3030 Klingle Road, N.W. Washington, D.C. 29008 Dear Ken, I was sorry to have missed you while you were in Iran during my brief visit to Washington but I had a chance to talk to Lynn and here are gemeomé the bad and some of the better news that she had to tell me. I hope I will have a chance to see you on your own next visit to Stanford. One of the reasons for my calling you was to try and put you in touch with a man for whom I have the highest regard and whose professional experience and interests might intersect a number of your own. He is Ambassador James Leonard, presently Chief of the International Relations Bureau of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. He has had the broadest of foreign service experience and more recently has been the chief negotiator representing the US at the2Conference of the Committee on Disarmament at Geneva, among the accomplishments of which has been the very tricky business of completing the Treaty on Biological Disarmament. For reasons all too well known,positions in the government hiesachhg are not necessarily as attractive as they have been in the past, and Jim is giving some thought to the possibility of finding opportunities outside of government where he can be of greater service -- a position with which I know you would be most sympathetic yourself! I mentioned your name to him as someone who might add to his own fund of knowledge of possible contacts for private sector needs for expertise such as he might be able to bring, especially on ad hoc and brief consulting arrangements. Whether or not you have any specific thoughts in this direction, I would really strongly urge you, on a plea of personal privilege ani prediction of mutual benefit,that you give him a call as soon as you get back from Iran. Even if there were no more tangible outcome of a conversation, I want to be able to take credit for introducing the two of you to omeanother. He can be reached at his office at ACDA at 632-3612. Needless to say I would not want you to brute this information widely without having consulted him directly first. With all the best, Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics ued