MEMOe-FROM TO: K. \ I+ . J ERBERSG Re GENETICS DEPARTMENT RO , STANFORD UNIVERSITY Prof. Joshua Lederberg STANFORD, CALIFORNIA Department of Genetics . JUL 7 1969 : School of Medicine . Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 — - UL E1869 Ka aa aon ann ok 19,000 per year for one to three years lary of one research-axxxatnt assistant, gud om Wray Com fy riodicals, and postage &telephone ssimilate information in a wide dle to the subjects covered in my + assistance as for deeper follow- 1ope to express this in a series -and-run" efforts of the weekly of merely documenting the sources od ne weeny eee amg tingxthe locating the most up-to- date literature for further reading, is already a formidable one; but ‘this would already make them much more useful for teaching purposes. To a large extent, however, the assistance I request is to help me in my own education, so that I have a more informed base on hich to HXIRENKE engage others in further analysis. The principal themes of this study are: - _....--In what ways cee . pene oe ee 1) K&X is science an autonomous process, that generates a “ tecknology unrelated to social needs; how is it actively abused (in terms of the ‘édeals of the pure scientist); are there mechanisms by which it can be guided for social benefit without constmaining the creative imagination of research workers -- in short, can Science be creatively managed? What is the present de-facto system of its management? 2) MKX Boes scientific progress interfére with individual liberty; and if so what institutional arrangements do we need for our protection. =o distortions 3) Can science help ‘to define ‘social goals, ‘and how can those hangete be identified which are most amenable to technological antidotes, or ‘to the most nearly achievable social ones. — -4) Can we furnish an improvement on present techniques of setting values and priorities on different forms of scientific effort. Are these forms correctly taxonomized for such a purpose? (For example, is it a meaningful’ question to ask how to decide between mathemaaics, higher energy physics or molecular biology 2) 5) Do we have the right institutions (spec. the universities) for the harmonization of scientific research,ann teaching, social criticism,an® art, other intellectual roles? oe 6) Failing a prompt answer to the metaproblem (3), what are the most urgent human problems to which scientific thinking can be usefully addressed now, and how can thes best be implemented. Joshua Lederberg