ainsi Toe Phil Handler JOSHUA LEDERBERG * NOV 29 1971 NAS Letter 1(8) p.6 6-71 I was remiss in having overlooked this accomo-~ dation to the membership. Qe d carpe clans | You ware even mere wade tous than I was in thin- king of advance distributions. In any case I do look forward to the constructive impact, as time goes on, of the many improvements that have been initiated during the last year. The technical problem of distributing an unwieldy volume of material surely has some technical solutions. May I be permitted the thought that our academicians might even point the way to the wider actual use of microforms for such purposes. | This would be an important experiment-demonstration from both a technical and administrative point of view. The one further facility that I have to stress (apart from the logistically entangled problems of when and how to distribute drafts or reports) is a routinized procedure for recording comment. Members , may wish to influence the text of a report prior | to its issuance. Somewhat independently of that, ; they may also wish to record further comments, per- haps even dissents, without hoping to modify the report. The comment may be too technical to be ap- propriate; it may be evident that any consensual statement would require mexe compromises that would blunt the force of a comment. The opportunity to do this for any reason would more faithfully reflect the pluralism and tentativeness of the sci- entific process. I appreciate your responsi- ; , Sincerely, PROFESSOR Josnua Lebrrsrrc Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 OOM 'ASIANEH.. . a ie oid Ce: Rifle? <5 25 1097 | The rang WES 7 28P2,