December 15, 1972 Mrs. Marjorie Guthrie Committee to Combat Huntington's Disease 200 West 57th Street New York, New York Dear Marjorie, I have the impression that some time ago you were rather worried about the bounderies of permissable activity vis-a-vis getting congressional sympathy for more work on Huntington's Bisease. I do not know whether this is still a live problem for you, but I just wanted to pass on to you that I have met the director of a foundation who is very much concerned about helping to prevent public interest groups from being intimidated by the IRS and who has looked very deeply into the legal aspects of this problem. I suspect that if you have any special situations along these lines he would be glad to take extra effort. I also think it would do no harm at all on other grounds for you to make some contact with him and initially perhaps on this issue. The man in question is Mr. Michael McIntosh,170 Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm Beach, Florida 33401. Best wishes to you. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg : Professor of Genetics JL/rr "HTD aBHLANO