: SCHOOL OF MEDICINE : STANFORD UNIVERSITY, STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 04305 JOSHUA LEDERBERG February 14, 1978 JosePH D. GRANT PROFESSOR ; e OF GENETICS Prof. James Gutmann Department of Philosophy Columbia University in the City of New York New York, NY 10027 Dear Professor Gutmann: How nice it was to hear from you again. I still have the fondest recollections of the colloquium and I still have the volumes of the Principia Mathematica that you encouraged (?) me to peruse. In fact my tastes still run in a Leibnizian vein as may be revealed somewhat vaguely by the enclosure. I would certainly be delighted to have the chance to see you again and will keep your invitation in mind. I doubt if it will be feasible before I move to New York City early in September. I hear very good things of you from our mutual friends and hope to reinforce that with more personal encounters in the not too distant future. Yours sincerely, JL/gel se (UU 9W4NS