March 11, 1976 Mr. Edward Goldamith Editor The Ecologist 36 Craven Street London, W.C. 2 , England Bear Mr. Goldsemith, Thank you for your interesting letter of March 2nd. At this point I will respond mainly to your paragraph four ({f11!) with the remark that I am on Medawar's side. I asi somewhat more alarmed by environmental mutagenesis than by the relaxation of natural selection - not out of concern for the genetic quality at the outsome but the price that will be paid in the procees of selection against genetic defects. However, I do not believe this is a long run problem for precisely the reagon attributed to him. All of your themes are, nevertheless, of very great interest to me and I have dealt with them from time to time in wy columns for The Washington Post and in other writings. I have, in fact, been giving some thought to changing the format of my public exposition, for I am beginning to find that 700 words once a week is too little to often for the development of complicated ideas. The Washington Post and ite syndicate are, however, an exceptionally effective channel to political opinion in the United States and I would not give that up without having an assuredly effective alternative. Nor can I contemplate doing both. Let me say then that I would welcome the opportunity to consider "The Ecologist’ as a vehicle for occasional writing at mutual option. I would algo like to raise the question of your reprinting some of my columns after the have run in The Washington Poat for I doubt that they are visible in Great Britain. The Thomson Newepaper Group does subscribe to the newswire gervice that transmits my column weekly, but asa far as I know they have never availed themselves of the opportunity. If you are so inclined you might negotiate with them to receive the text as they are cabled. Alternatively I could mail them to you for I retain the copyright privilege for publication other than in newspaper form. Should your international circulation reach the level where this was an embarrassement of redundancy we could then review the matter. over Hlwmsd704 = 6duynd3s Let me know your pleasure including the terms that you would consider reasonable for the circumstances. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Cenetics JL/rr