STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 « (415) 821-1200 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Genetics OCT 30 1 75 Prof. Martin P. Golding Department of Philosophy Columbia University New York, N.Y¥., 10027 Dear Professor Golding: That the remarks you quoted should "sound like a threat" has puzzled me for some time. I thought to wait to reply until I had assembled a number of writings that might answer some of your, latent questions, but this still might not clear up my puzzlement. So 1 write you now, with no polemical intention, to ask what you per- ceived in that quotation as a threat? I would be happy to pursue this communication; inter alia, I am sure you simply have not read a good deal that I had written in an affort to secure the confidence of the lay public. But meanwhile, it will be a service to me to understand how I miglit have been (mis )perceived. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics P.S. I was interested in your discussion @454-5; may I have a reprint of your Monist article? LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE > . KEAS, dyes bony GI~Gm