PAUL, WEISS, GOLDBERG, RIFKIND, WHARTON 8&8 GARRISON 345 PARK AVENUE NEW YORK, N.Y. 10022 TELEPHONE (212) 935-8000 CABLE LCONGSIGHT, N.Y. TELEX t2-783! RANDOLPH E.PAUL 11946-1956) WASHINGTON OFFICE LOUIS S.WEISS 927-1950) 1778 % STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON, 0. C. 20006 com eas CeeMorLs TELEPHONE (202) 293-6370 . . T counser CABLE LONGSIGHT WASHINGTON WRITER'S DIRECT DIAL NUMBER 222 sana on ARTHUR J. GOLDSERG SIMON H. RIFRKIND LLOYD ®. GARRISON HOWARD A. SEITZ ADRIAN W. DEWIND RAMSEY CLARK MORRIS 8B. ASRAM MOROECA! ROCHLIN PAUL J.NEWLON VOSEPH S.ISEMAN JAMES B. LEWIS THEOOORE C. SORENSEN MARTIN KLEINBARD RICHARO H. PAUL NORMAN ZELENKO - JOHN E. MASSENGALE JAY H.TOPKIS EDWARD N. COSTIKYAN ROBERT H. MONTGOMERY, JR, YOHN C.TAYLOR, 34 BEANARD H. GREENE ERNEST RUBENSTEIN ALLAN B. ECKER STUART ROBINOWITZ JAMES L. PURCELL ARTHUR KALISH DAVID T. WASH BURN BERNARDO FINKELSTEIN ARTHUR L.LIMAN RICHARO R. DAVIOSON SEYMOUR HERTZ WALTER F. LEINHARDT January 19 5 1971 GERALO 0. STERN ANTHONY B. KUKLIN . MARTIN LONOON DAVID C. BRODHEAD PETER R. HAJE LEONARD V. QUIGLEY ALLAN BLUMSTEIN NEALE M. ALBERT JAY GREENFIELO KEVIN J. O'BRIEN ALFRED 0. YOUNGWOOD DONALD F. MOORE Dr. Joshua Lederberg Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford Medical Center 300 Pasteur Drive Palo Alto, California Dear Pr. Lederberg: Thank you very much for your letter, and I am reassured that you are in agreement with me in the main thrust of the piece I wrote about the present German situation. I do not believe, however, that you correctly under- stood my point about the US-USSR accord on nuclear disarm- ament. Perhaps I did not make myself sufficiently clear. ‘I did not mean to imply that an agreement upon arms control must depend on mutual trust and confidence about the other's intentions and motives; rather I thought I said that it depended on serving mutual interest. This is a horse of a agifferent color. , In any event, I thank you for writing as you did. Sincerely yours, . Arthur J. Goldberg wd AJGinmg