OFFIECEWWEMORANDUM e@ STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM e STANFORD UNIVERSITY @ OFFICE MEMORANDU . Re, To From SusJecr: NOV i 0 1969 DATE: Dean Glaser : Joshua Lederberg Science Policy/ Health Note, e.g., the m¢th: promulgated and accepted by Repr. Flood that 29 years of strong NIH research has now given us all we need to know; now we need merely "deliver the services". In fact we are ignorant everywhere. My own greatest alarm concerns viruses -- both as sources of new lethal pandemics, and the sloppiness of our vaccines, We are fumbling in our reactions to environmental deterioration. oF We are on the verge of important insgights into the etiology of leukemia. Nutrition is still a demi-science. Do we understand drug-reactions well enough to put drugs in the hands of paramedics even less well trained than our present MD's? Mental health..... *additives; lead, nickel, smog from exhausts; cardiovascular disease etiology . sources of allergic disease (it is not just a coincidence that this is becoming everyone's nuisance problwam, and . . worse... +) . water pollution -- nitrates -> nitrosamines (as carcinogens). what are proper standards of radiation health? pesticide exposure? every new and most existing tecknology is grossly under-known, WNGNV¥OWSW 3D1ddO © ALISHIAINN GYOINVLS © WNGNVYYOWIW 3d14dO © ALISHZAINN GYOANVIS © WNONVYOWSW 391ddO © ALISYUTAINN GYOINVIS © M