STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94304 - DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS . 1 24 6 Area Cade qty Professor Joshua Lederberg ‘Ju y 5 1968 21-1200 The Hon. J. Ws Fulbright United States Senator Senate Office Building Washington, D. C. Dear Senator Fulbright: I would be grateful to you for information you may have available on: Your position on government-sponsored research on international ma) affairs and disarmament. Your office was kind enough to send me Adm. Rickover's fascinating w discourse (Testimony before the For. Relations Committee May ''68). ® I suspect you are sympathetic to his criticisms, but for very dif- a ferent reasons than the ones he presents. (At least, that is my ~~, own position. ) ~ I would appreciate other décumentation from you bearing on cutbacks 4 on ACDA and on résearch and technical-assistance aspects of AID. — — wo ee oe * Off the record, I think I perceive the basis of your very critical attitude towards these programs insofar as they reflect "the arrogance of power". But what are you doing, and what can I do, on the positive side? JI read your approbation of Dr. Frank's book, and his general approach to the application of psychological insights to peacefawe. But then I see very little positive action from you to further research and action in peacefare -~ so different from the Senator of the Fulbright educational exchange programs. Have you lost faith altogether in the chance that academic thinkers can contribute to solving world problems? Let me be tangible. NSF was cut back very severely, in part because it is starting to extend its support 98 2°Sda2 science. Did you help? Vhr nt, Joshua Lederberg CG NOTE: I write'a weekly column on "Science and Man" for the Washington Post and affiliated newspapers. Your information may be helpful to me in drafting future columns.