MAR 1 6 1970 MATHEMATISCH INSTITUUT DER RUKSUNIVERSITEIT TE UTRECHT utrecHt, March 12, 1970 Universiteliscentrum De Uithof Budapestlaan Tel. (030) 5114 11 Professor Joshua Lederberg Stanford University School of Medicine Department of Genetics STANFORD (Calif) 94305 USA Dear Lederberg, It is not the first time you show your keen interest in Lincos. I do not remember about the fine structure constant, but I am not sure whether transmitting any dimensionless physical constant would adequately be understood. Dimensionless constants may be computed differently in civilizations with a different historical background. For instance, the fine-structure constant could have a factor 27 more or less in one or the other culture withdut impairing its usefulness. Even purely mathematical constants are not, too trustworthy. Maybe in an- other world they prefer using 5- rather than 27, e71 rather than e, which would not make todmuch difference for mathematics though it would impair the recognizability of the constant. Therefore I preferred introducing physical constants in a broader context where their meaning is explained, even though they are not dimensionless (as the Rydberg constant). Describing the hydrogene spectrum is as easy and more convincing), A list of primeg numbers which may be shot, is more convincingyS than e or 7. r 3003 SH LV I have often bees:aewed about your second question. The difference with Etruscan and Mayan is, first, that texts in these old languages are about subjects we are not acquainted with (it is old religion), second, that Lincos is intentionally made to be understood. In conferences I often made the experiment of confronting people with Lincos texts to be deciphered, and I always succeeded. Of course this is not a _ well controlled experiment, but I am quite convinced that it would work as well under serious experimental cenditions. Thank you for your letter. Yours sincerely, (H.Freudenthal)