NaTIONAL Rapio ASTRONOMY OBSERVATORY EDGEMONT ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 TELEPHONE 703 - 296 - 0211 POST OFFICE BOX 2 GREEN BANK, WEST VIRGINIA 24944 TELEPHONE 904 - 456 - 2011 TWX 304 - 940 - 2481 July 9, 1969 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Since July lst has now passed and a new year has started, I wanted to write to say how sorry the members of the LPMB will be not to see you at future meetings and to thank you for the work you have done over these first two years of the Board's existence. Kvagayy I believe these years have been of some use; whether in that time we have been as effective as possible I cannot yet decide, even for myself. I hope you will continue to let me or any of the Board members know if you feel there is anything we can do to help along the work of exploring the moon and the planets. With best wishes Sincerely yours, L/L. Yate John W. Findlay "2 - JWF /pj ec: Dr. Liddel Mr. Bremenkamp ou we iw 9 OPERATED BY ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES, INC,, UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION