March 6, 1975 Mr. David R. Calhoun Editor Yearbook of Science and Future _Encyclopaedia Britannica 425 North Michigan Avéniue Chicago, Illinois 60611 Dear Mr. Calhoun, I just wanted to pass on that the recent conference at Asilomar on recombinant DNA, hazards and opportunities, stands as probably the most noteworthy scientific event of 1975 both from a journalistic and scientific standpoint. I wonder if this has been acconmodated edequately in the current volume of the Science and Technology Yearbook, and if not if there might still be time within the next few weeks to enter a special contribution on it. You may note that I have given special treatment to this subject over a period of several years, I think entirely deservedly. If you do not already have such a piece, I would be glad to attempt to prepare one if you will let me know the proper word size, room for illustration, etc. Undonticelitgdly deserves between 1 and 2 thousand words for a quick news report, and perhaps next year a more extensive full article. T enclose a couple of news clippings and an extract from one of my own statements just to remind you of the content ~ however, this is not for publication in its present forn. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Ju/rr